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The exchange was cut short by Rodrik, bursting into the chamber clutching a sealed scroll bearing the sigil of Dragonstone. This is more than just a castle, it is a symbol of Northern autonomy." "You mustn't underestimate your enemy, son. With the thousand men under my command, I could stop any army from taking the causeway." "I am honoured father, I will not let you down. You are a man now, and for this reason I have granted you command of this ancient fortress." That night, after having stoked the hearths and having the servants dust the place off, the Starks had dinner at the long table in the great hall of the Children's tower. The girl was not accustomed to the harshness of the land up North and was doing her best to cope. Fear not my lady, we shan't be living in a crannog." Margaery smiled at Robb, trying to be brave for him. The young lady grabbed her husband by the arm, "Shall we be living here, my love?" Robb attempted to reassure his wife: "I know it's not Highgarden, or even Winterfell, but there is a section of this castle, the Children's Tower, which has not fallen into disrepair. She had arrived to the north by way of White Harbour and had never seen the ruined castle before. Arriving at the ruins of Moat Cailin, Margaery took in the castle for the first time. The people had enjoyed the longest summer on record and were now preparing themselves for the long night. The small-folk had retired from the lord's fields and took to their cottages in order to work inside, stockpiling, crafting, repairing and so on. "The reports from the Citadel say that this winter will be a particularly harsh one." He had warned the other day, before their departure. The days were cold and the clear nights even colder, Maester Luwin saying that the lack of clouds allowed heat to escape from the ground into the aether. The rest of the journey involved stays at local inns that were honoured to be able to host the Warden in the North and his heir. Stopping at Castle Cerwyn along the way, the Starks were entertained by their loyal vassals while resting overnight. The ground had become too hard and cold to cultivate and more or less permanently covered in snow from the daily dustings that happened overnight and in the wee hours of the morn. Descending the Kingsroad with two dozen retainers, the country side was especially quiet this time of year. The grey and black colours of the Starks hung over the remains of this once great castle.Įddard took Robb, along with Margaery, to visit his new seat.

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